The learning outcomes for each of the PMC units is described in the Practice Management Course Prescribed Content . As part of the requirements for the PMC, participants are required to pass four assessment items and submit a Trust Accounting Workbook.
Business Plan
Participants are required to develop an integrated high level business plan, including a marketing plan and budget. Due four weeks after the Workshop.
Ethics Scenario
Participants will be provided with one or more hypothetical ethical dilemmas and asked to submit an appropriate written response in advice format as you would to a client. Due four weeks after the Workshop.
Risk Self-Audit
Participants are required to complete a self-audit to ensure common risks related to professional indemnity claims are addressed (e.g. negligence, client communication, conflicts of interest, costs, supervision and human factors) and wider business risks are identified and treated. Due four weeks after the Workshop.
Trust Accounting Exam
Participants are required to complete a multiple choice online exam with 45 questions and a duration 60 minutes, on the Monday following the Workshop. The exam will test your understanding and application of trust accounting and costs disclosure concepts and regulations.
Trust Accounting Workbook
Participants are required to complete the Trust Accounting Workbook prior to the trust accounting exam, the completed Workbook will be reviewed for substantial participation purposes but not graded.